We're excited that APRIL DOYLE, whose debut novel Hive was shortlisted for the Exeter Novel Prize in 2019 will be joining us in November at River Lit. April's stories have been published in women's magazines in the UK and Australia, and long listed in the MsLexia Short story competition. She's been teaching creative writing to adult learners for over a decade and has an MA in creative writing. Hive imagines a near future where there are not enough bees to pollinate plants, and crops are failing.
"By focusing on a single aspect of the ecosystem – bees – Doyle’s book has greater resonance and authority than those that adopt a wider approach. It is a welcome addition to the growing canon of eco-fiction."
"This book made a big impact on me and how I think about both insects and food."
Before the festival, we caught up with April and she talked about what led to her writing Hive, and the importance of finding your own pace as a writer. April's interview is scheduled for our second podcast, due out at the end of July.
Podcasts will be available from the Wordsmithery Soundcloud page. And come and hear April talking about Hive in November at Medway River Lit.