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Rippling Out

We are excited to share details of the Rippling Out project.  

There are two strands to the Rippling Out project which runs from January to April 2025. 


In our community crafting and literature engagement workshops: Medway based artists will lead free open access creative workshops. Attendees will be able to learn what 'Phoetry' is and have a go; put poems onto pottery; make zines inspired by the nature and the climate; make art books inspired by the hidden words at Chatham Historic Dockyard; and learn how to upcycle and recycle clothes and other items. 

Aligning with our festival's sustainability theme; craft activities and materials have been selected for their longevity, reusability, or ease of recycling. We'll also be using recycled materials in the crafts. 


We're also bringing some thought-provoking theatre, comedy and poetry to Medway, in accessible afternoon performances. All activities are suitable for an older family audience, so long as young people are accompanied by a parent or guardian, (due to the nature of some of the topics, parental discretion and an age guideline of 14+ is recommended, unless detailed).

This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills.

For more information, visit

Booking is open below and further sessions will be added.

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